Walking in your shoes hasn't been easy, I know that. I am here to listen, to share the burden, and walk this experience with you. I know that on the other side of your situation is peace, joy, and growth.

Walking in your shoes hasn't been easy, I know that. I am here to listen, to share the burden, and walk this experience with you. I know that on the other side of your situation is peace, joy, and growth.

Follow our Instagram to stay up to date! @Brighterheartscounseling


Hi! I’m Patty and I am so excited that you found my page! I am born and raised from South Florida where I was raised by a single parent and suffered much heartache growing up. I struggled with self-worth and often felt alone in my pain. At 19, my best friend challenged me to visit her church and thus began my relationship with Christ.

I now happily serve in my home church and continued my graduate studies to help other teens and women that are struggling with knowing who they are in this life.

Hola! Bienvenido a mi pagina! Me llamo Patty y  me alegro de que estés aquí conociendo un poco más de los servicios de terapia que ofrezco. Nací en Miami y aquí me crié.  Soy hija de inmigrantes, pero criada por una madre soltera que luchó mucho para que yo pudiera seguir esta carrera. Sufrí mucho desde la niñez y tuve dificultad reconociendo mi valor. A los 19 años, mi mejor amiga me invitó a su iglesia y ahí comenzó mi relación con Cristo.

Ahora sirvo en mi iglesia y decidí continuar mis estudios para ayudar a otros adolescentes y mujeres que tienen dificultad conociendo quienes son.